Tag Archives: reflection

New Programme – New Activities


S2G Marc-June 2014Here’s the new programme from March for The Cross at Yew Lane; now the building work and new activity room is all finished we’ve been able to start developing new activities such as the new Wednesday morning Space to Grow through Art group which will run alongside the rearranged gardening sessions. Of course we’ve still got our regular sup lunch times on a Wednesday from 12.30pm for anyone who wants to come and share a meal with us – whether you’ve been with during the morning or not.

We’ve still got the regular Quiet Days and evenings which offer that time for you to explore your personal journey in a context of faith and spirituality:

Saturday 29 March

10am – 3pm

Quiet Day: Pause for Lent

Wednesday 16 April

7 for 7.30pm

Urban Reflections:  Feed my people

Wednesday 21st May

7 for 7.30pm

Evening prayer

Saturday 21st June

10am – 3pm

Quiet day: The Heart of Spirituality

Wednesday 23 July

7 for 7.30pm

Urban Reflections:  Rebuilding Jerusalem

Wednesday 20th August

7 for 7.30pm

Evening prayer

Amongst our Quiet Space Programme, we’re also creating a new space for reflection, discussion and prayer called Urban Reflections these sessions will focus on a different issue each time and provide time for a short discussion before some quiet private reflection and prayer on the topic.

And of course the  fortnightly Resting Room returns offering time and space to pray, rest, take time out and just enjoy the peace:

·         Useful for people with stressful lives wanting some ‘time out’

·         Helpful for people who prefer to read and pray in the company of others

Bring your own lunch ingredients with you – toaster, microwave, hob, oven available.

Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

Make yourself at home!


2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month (except holiday weeks)                        10am – 4pm


March                        11 & 25

April                              8 & 29 **

May                             13

June                            10 & 24

July                                8 & 22

August                        12


            ** extra date

September Quiet Days


As the last of summer disappears into our memory and the first signs of Autumn begin to emerge – it’s another good time to take time out and reflect and be still with God. As such, as well as the regular Thursday “Resting room” and “Space to Grow” sessions, we’ve also arrange a couple of quiet times:

Saturday 15th September: Quiet Day from 10.00am til 3pm

Thursday 27th September: Prayer Spiral from 7pm till 8.30pm

Both sessions are free, but for those who can afford we ask for a donation to cover costs. Refreshments will be available.


Quiet Day


Our next Quiet Day is on Saturday 23rd June and starts at 10am (it will finish by 3pm). Our Quiet Days offer an opportunity to enjoy a change of pace, to rest, to be, and to find God in the stillness. They also offer a space to reflect on your past experience of God  and gain insight strength and wisdom for Gods future leadings.

This Quiet Day will focus its reflections on The Dandelion: Flower of Today and Flower of Tomorrow

  • Helping you to reflect on those times of life when you are getting into your stride in your job, career or role at home.  Times of feeling useful or valued.  Times of inner strength and real character.
  • Helping you to reflect on those times of life when you no longer seem to have a role of purpose.  Times of endings with no future?  Or times of sowing seeds for the future?

The day will be led by Rev Judith Jessop.

Tea, coffee and juice will be available throughout the day, but please bring a lunch if you want one. The is no charge for these days but we suggest a donation of £7 to help cover the costs of the day for those who wish to give. You are most welcome to join us.

Dates for further Quiet Days:

Wednesday 11th July (1.30-4.00pm)

Thursday 9th August (7.00-9.30pm)

Saturday 15th September (10.00am – 3.00pm)

Holy Week and the Prayer Labyrinth


Next week sees the start of Lent when Christians across the world prepare themselves spiritually for Easter. With this in mind, Cross at Yew Lane will be hosting a prayer labyrinth throughout Holy Week (1st – 8th April.

A labyrinth is an opportunity to contemplate the deeper things of life on your spiritual journey.  This Holy Week the labyrinth will enable you to reflect on Jesus’s journey to the cross and beyond.  The focus will change each day, so you can walk the path every day if you wish or just visit once or twice.  Help will be available so that you can make the most of your experience.

The path has three stages. The ‘inward’ journey is about letting go of things which hinder your inner approach to God. The centre of the Labyrinth is a space of meditative prayer and peace. The ‘outward’ journey is about your direction in life in the light of your relationship with God.

The Labyrinth will be open at various times during the week, here is the timetable of sessions.

Preparing & Opening the Labyrinth:

Sunday 1st April 1.30-4pm

Open each day in Holy Week:

Monday 2nd – Sat 7th April  2-3.30pm & 7-8.30pm

Easter Sunday 8th April 6.30am

(after Sunrise Service and breakfast – exact time to be confirmed.)

Closing the Labyrinth:

Sun 8th April   2-4pm

 Refreshments will be served throughout

For more information, contact Judith on: 0114 231 3518

or e mail: judithjessop@tiscali.co.uk

New Thursday quiet space


From 23rd February we’ll be starting with a new regular weekly quiet space at The Cross at Yew Lane. The building and gardens will be open from 10am until 3pm every Thursday and will offer a quiet space for anyone who wants to use it for; prayer, relaxation, reading, studying or even a quick nap!

Each session will be hosted by someone from the team at Yew Lane, and it will also be possible to book times to meet with someone from the new Listening Service based in Parson Cross with PXI. At 12.30pm there’ll be chance to enjoy some more hospitality and share some soup and bread with each and enjoy some shared time together. Keep watching for more information.

Wishing you a happy Christmas ….


With Christmas getting closer and closer I just wanted to take this time to wish everyone a happy and blessed Christmas – here to help you reflect on the season are some images from the recent PXI Street Art Project which involved work with a long time friend of Cross at Yew Lane, Ric Stott.

The Angelat the Ritz

Nativity at Parson Cross Hotel

Prayer angel at the Skatepark

For more of Rics reflections on his work you can read: http://iaskforwonder.com/street-art-adventures-4

Work and Rest Day


I’ve recently agreed to be a volunteer “master composter” and have been learning about ways of composting. All this recent composting chat though got me thinking about life and the way God can turn all the rubbish in our lives into something that is good and life giving. To make good compost you need to treat the “rubbish” and waste in different ways depending on what it is.

Good compost needs a mix of organic waste “greens and browns” as they are called. The “greens” include things like potato peelings, apple cores, eggshells and so on, “browns” things like hedge clippings, and even the contents of your vacuum cleaner with all the carpet muck (mainly made up of dropped hairs, tiny pieces of dead skin and the soil from outside we carry in on our shoes and feet), all things that have had life but have had there time and have just been cast off and of no personal use to us anymore. But this “waste” combines and is broken down over time to create wonderful rich compost ….. in a similar way God can take the “rubbish” of our lives, the hurts and pain from the past (some of which may have had a use at some time), old habits that have outlived their usefulness (if they ever were useful), and from them make a new life that is filled with
life and goodness.

The Space to Grow -“Work and Rest day” on 10th September will spend time looking at some of these ideas as well as carrying out specific tasks in the Quiet Garden. We’ll start first thing with some personal prayer and reflection time, before heading out into the garden.
The day starts at 10am and will be over by 3pm. Please bring a packed lunch if you want one as well as suitable gardening clothes.